
What is Extrememath?

Are you tired of boring math quizzes and tests? Do you crave a challenge that truly tests your math skills? Then Extrememath is the ultimate math challenge for you.
Extrememath is a unique and exciting math competition that tests your speed and accuracy in solving complex math problems. This competition is designed to push your limits and challenge your mental abilities in a fun and engaging way.

How does it work?

Extrememath is a timed competition where participants are given a set of math problems to solve in a limited amount of time. The questions are designed to be challenging and require creative problem-solving skills.
The competition is divided into multiple rounds, with each round increasing in difficulty. The final round is the ultimate test of your math skills, as you compete against the best of the best in a race to solve the most difficult math problems.

Who can participate?

Anyone can participate in Extrememath, regardless of age or math level. There are different categories for different age groups, ensuring that everyone can compete against peers of their own level.
Whether you're a math enthusiast looking for a new challenge or a student looking to improve your math skills, Extrememath is the perfect opportunity to put your math abilities to the test.


What is the prize for winning Extrememath?

The prize for winning Extrememath varies depending on the competition. Some competitions offer cash prizes, while others offer scholarships or other rewards. However, the real prize is the sense of accomplishment and pride that comes with winning a challenging math competition.

How can I prepare for Extrememath?

To prepare for Extrememath, it is important to practice solving complex math problems quickly and accurately. You can find practice problems and resources online, or work with a math tutor to improve your skills.
It is also important to practice under timed conditions, as the competition is timed and requires quick thinking and problem-solving skills.


Extrememath is the ultimate math challenge for anyone looking to test their math skills in a fun and engaging way. With its unique and exciting format, Extrememath is a great opportunity to push your limits and challenge yourself to be the best. So, what are you waiting for? Sign up for Extrememath today and put your math skills to the ultimate test!